Collect SaaS payments up front

Get paid as soon as your customer signs. Our B2C-style checkout makes selling SaaS as easy as shopping online.
Cacheflow created a single flow of revenue data from from our CRM to ERP. We're now able to invoice and bill customers automatically for every close, upsell or renewal deal.
Brod E., Consulting CFO

Don’t wait to collect payment

Get paid as soon as your customer signs. Our B2C-style checkout makes selling SaaS as easy as shopping on [Amazon].
"Cacheflow uniquely supports and simplifies our usage-based pricing from signature to invoice. The end-to-end approach with a checkout and automated payments was perfect for us."
Stephany Kirkpatrick, Founder & CEO

Nail your pricing strategy

Test pricing strategies without disrupting the back end. Easily configure usage-based, tiered, and stair-step pricing.
Flexible options to get paid

Eliminate email threads and extra calls – your prospect can choose their own plan at checkout. 

Pricing plans include monthly, quarterly and annual invoicing.

Customers can choose to pay with credit cart, ACH, direct debit, or offline payment.


Process payments quickly and securely through integrations with our trusted partners. Connect your own Stripe account, or use ours! Currently supporting integrations with:
Connect your own Stripe account, and get access to discounted processing fee's.
Send payment straight to the bank and save big on processing fee's.

Schedule demo

We would love to show you the Cacheflow seller/customer experience. Book a call below.