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More Value with Less Clicks: How AI Can Transform SaaS

July 9, 2024 3:00 PM
Brian Zotter
Co-founder & CTO

I've seen many technologies come and go, promising to revolutionize industries but falling short in execution. Initially, I was quite skeptical about AI, cautious of the exaggerated claims and the hype surrounding it. 

I now believe we are officially on the AI slope of enlightenment. As I've observed the steady progress and tangible improvements, my skepticism has gradually turned into optimism. AI is a game-changing tool that's fundamentally altering how we develop software, especially in the SaaS industry.

AI-powered generative and conversational interfaces are set to revolutionize SaaS development by massively enhancing user experience and functionality. It will change how we build and bring products to market. I see AI not just as a temporary trend but as a transformative force that will redefine the landscape of software development and product delivery.

AI-Powered Generative and Conversational Interfaces: The Game Changer

Enter generative and conversational AI—technologies that use natural language processing (NLP) to help machines understand, interpret, and respond to human language. These technologies let users interact with applications through natural conversations, generate new content, and automate tasks based on unstructured data.

This is where things get exciting. The potential of conversational and generative AI to revolutionize SaaS development is huge. SaaS applications are already tapping into the power of these AI technologies:

1. Customer Support Systems: 

AI chatbots are taking over customer queries, providing instant responses, and cutting down the need for extensive UI-based support systems. These chatbots handle everything from simple FAQs to complex troubleshooting scenarios, offering a seamless and efficient customer support experience.

2. Project Management Tools: 

Conversational commands now let users manage tasks, set deadlines, and allocate resources, streamlining project workflows. AI assistants in these tools can offer personalized recommendations, automate routine tasks, and ensure projects stay on track by identifying potential issues and suggesting solutions.

3. Sales and Marketing Platforms: 

Conversational and generative AI help sales teams manage leads, track performance, automate follow-ups, and even generate content like emails and proposals. By integrating AI-driven insights into their workflows, sales teams can prioritize high-potential leads, tailor their outreach strategies, and close deals more effectively.

A Better Experience with AI-Driven Interfaces

The integration of AI-driven conversational and generative interfaces is revolutionizing user interaction with software, especially in the SaaS industry. These advanced interfaces offer significant benefits that enhance the overall user experience and functionality of applications.

1. Enhanced Application Complexity and Utility

Traditional UI/UX design often limits the complexity and utility of applications. Forms, buttons, and menus can only go so far. Conversational and generative interfaces break these chains, allowing for more complex and useful behaviors within the app. Users can engage in sophisticated interactions, ask detailed questions, and receive personalized responses, all without the constraints of traditional UI components. This results in a more powerful and versatile application. Especially with Enterprise applications that often need to handle intricate workflows and vast amounts of data.

2. Streamlining User Interactions

AI-driven conversations make user interactions intuitive and efficient. Users can achieve their tasks by simply stating their needs, enhancing the overall user experience and making interactions more natural and seamless. This approach reduces the learning curve for new users, as they interact with the application using familiar language rather than navigating through convoluted interfaces. For example, a salesperson applying a discount to a quote typically requires multiple clicks and knowledge of the right place to click within an app. With conversational AI, this can be simplified to a single command: "Apply a 10% discount overall to the quote for client X."

3. Improved Accessibility and User Adoption

User adoption and training costs are a massive challenge in enterprise software. They cost millions of dollars and have traditionally been used as a moat by legacy software providers to keep new software out. Conversational interfaces inherently promote inclusivity. For example, users with visual impairments can interact with the application through voice commands, bypassing the need for visual interfaces. The intuitive nature of these interfaces also facilitates easier user onboarding and training, accelerating user adoption and reducing the need for extensive user manuals and training sessions.

4. Adaptability and Responsiveness to User Feedback

One of the most exciting aspects of generative and conversational AI is the ability to rapidly iterate and adapt applications based on user feedback and changing requirements. Traditional UI/UX changes can be slow and costly, involving extensive redesign and redevelopment efforts. In contrast, conversational interfaces allow for swift modifications and updates through changes to the underlying AI and NLP models. This adaptability is particularly crucial in the B2B world, where enterprise customers often have complex and evolving needs.

5. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction and Retention

The ability to quickly adapt and respond to customer feedback ensures that the application remains relevant and valuable to its users. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates, which are key drivers of long-term success in the SaaS industry. Enterprises value partners who can adapt to their changing needs and provide ongoing improvements, making conversational AI an attractive proposition. Customers looking for a solution to their problems will look to partner with vendors that are adopting these new technologies because it means that their specific needs are more likely to be met.

Unlocking the Power of Unstructured Data

One of the most powerful aspects of generative AI is its ability to unlock vast amounts of information hidden in unstructured data. Traditional software systems often struggle to make sense of unstructured data—like emails, call recordings, Zoom meetings, and CRM notes—because they're not designed to process and interpret this kind of information efficiently. These systems typically require structured data, such as databases or spreadsheets, to function effectively, leaving a treasure trove of valuable information untapped.

Generative AI, however, changes the game by being able to analyze and extract valuable insights from these unstructured sources. AI can comprehend and interpret the context, sentiment, and key details within unstructured data. This means that every email, phone call, and meeting note can be mined for actionable insights, transforming how we handle and use data.

By turning unstructured data into structured, actionable insights, generative AI not only enhances the value of existing information but also enables new levels of automation and intelligence in software applications. Here are some examples:

1. Personalized Quotes and Proposals: 

Generative AI can harness unstructured data from prospect call recordings, Zoom meetings, emails, and CRM data to create highly personalized and effective quotes. This AI can also generate proposal summaries, highlighting the products that bring the most value to the end customer. By analyzing customer conversations and correspondence, AI can tailor proposals to address specific pain points and preferences, boosting the chances of closing a sale.

2. Enhanced Customer Communication: 

AI can draft personalized emails to prospects, reminding them of their challenges and how the offered solution can address these issues. This level of personalization is based on deep insights AI extracts from unstructured data, making customer communication more relevant and impactful. By leveraging AI to generate content, sales teams can maintain consistent and meaningful engagement with prospects, improving conversion rates.

3. Real-Time Insights and Recommendations: 

AI can provide real-time insights and recommendations for finance and sales teams. By analyzing data from various sources—including CRM systems, financial records, and customer interactions—AI can offer actionable insights and suggest next steps. This ability to synthesize and interpret unstructured data into valuable business intelligence is a game-changer, enabling teams to make informed decisions quickly and accurately.

Generative AI transforms how businesses handle and leverage their data. By making sense of unstructured information, AI uncovers insights that were previously inaccessible, driving smarter strategies and better outcomes across various functions.

The Power of Using Natural Language

One of the significant drawbacks of traditional UI/UX is the potential for complexity to alienate users. Even worse is the idea of adding a proprietary language on top of the already complex interface. Adding yet another layer of abstraction on what the user wants to do can be incredibly frustrating and counterproductive. Users shouldn't have to learn a new language or jargon just to interact with an application.  For example, Apex for Salesforce. The beauty of conversational AI is that it uses the user's native language—no new language, no new learning curve.

This approach harnesses the power of natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user queries in a way that feels natural and intuitive. Instead of adding complexity, it simplifies interactions. Users can express their needs directly and clearly, and the AI interprets and executes those requests seamlessly.

For instance, instead of navigating through multiple screens to generate a report, a user could simply say, "Generate a sales report for the last quarter." The AI understands the request, gathers the necessary data, and produces the report, all without the user needing to click through a labyrinth of menus and forms.

The integration of voice in conversational AI takes these interfaces to the next level, especially for salespeople who are constantly on the move. Voice commands allow sales teams to interact with their tools while multitasking—whether driving, meeting clients, or handling other tasks. This hands-free interaction boosts productivity by enabling real-time updates and seamless task management, thereby streamlining the sales process. As voice technology becomes increasingly integrated into applications, it's clear that natural language interfaces will dominate, making interactions more intuitive and efficient.

The Costly Nature of Traditional SaaS Development: Will AI Help?

For years, building a SaaS application has meant investing countless hours and resources into creating and maintaining numerous UI components. Each button, menu, and form must be meticulously designed, coded, and tested. Every new feature or update brings additional layers of UI complexity, escalating costs and prolonging development cycles. Ensuring consistency across different components, maintaining user-friendly designs, and managing complex workflows have been significant hurdles, often leading to bloated budgets and delayed releases.

I've led teams through these challenges, navigating the intricacies of UI/UX design and development. The process is resource-intensive and often frustrating, as even minor changes can ripple through the entire application, requiring extensive rework. I've seen countless valuable features abandoned because designing a suitable UX was either too time-consuming or prohibitively expensive. It's frustrating to see innovative ideas and potential enhancements scrapped simply because the traditional UI/UX development process couldn't keep up with the vision. The high costs and long timelines often make it impossible to justify the investment, stifling innovation and leaving users without the improvements they need.

I'm excited about the potential of AI to alleviate these challenges, but we likely still have a long way to go. Until AI improves significantly, reducing the cost of building software will remain challenging.

Jevons Paradox

In a recent a16z podcast, Ben and Marc discussed various AI topics, highlighting an interesting phenomenon related to technological advancements and their impact on costs, known as Jevons Paradox. They provided an example from the film industry: "So the result of it, and by the way, another example of Jevons Paradox playing out in another related industry is Hollywood. CGI in theory should have reduced the price of making movies; in reality, it has increased it because audience expectations went up. And now you go to a Hollywood movie, and it’s wall-to-wall CGI."

Jevons Paradox suggests that as technology improves and becomes more efficient, it can lead to increased usage and higher overall costs due to rising expectations. In the context of CGI, while it was initially expected to lower movie production costs, it has actually led to higher expenses. This is because audiences now expect high-quality, immersive visual effects in every film, pushing studios to invest more in CGI technology and production.

Similarly, as AI capabilities improve, user expectations for AI performance and integration in software are also rising. While AI has the potential to streamline processes and reduce some costs, the demand for more sophisticated and comprehensive AI solutions could ultimately increase development costs. Users will expect more advanced features, seamless integration, and higher quality outputs, driving the need for continuous improvement and investment in AI technology.

Bridging the Gap: AI and UX Interfaces

In the short term, we will likely see a hybrid of AI-assisted interfaces alongside more traditional UX interfaces. Humans will still need to be in the loop. Whenever AI generates something, users must be able to correct and tweak the output. This requires creating high-quality interfaces that allow users to interact with and refine the AI's results, hence the popularity of AI assistants we see now. AI will soon be better at generating views for users to evaluate and trust its outputs. These views are still necessary while humans make the final decisions. High-quality interfaces are essential because users didn't create the content and therefore lack the prior knowledge that would help them understand a subpar representation.

For now, we will need to build more and better software, but with AI's help, this process is becoming faster, easier, and cheaper. As AI continues to improve, the quality of experiences will enhance significantly. The barriers to creating pleasant digital content are diminishing, ushering in an era of "enhanced quality of experiences." 

How to build in this new AI era

In this new AI era, companies can easily fall into the trap of the hype cycle, attempting to apply AI to every possible aspect of their application in the hope that it will lead to success. This approach is like the proverbial hammer looking for a nail, where many companies will end up hitting their own thumbs. It's likely that many startups will come and go, but only a few will emerge as winners—those who solve real-world, practical problems with AI.

To avoid these pitfalls, we have thought long and hard about how to approach AI integration and developed a set of guiding beliefs and principles that will help steer us on this journey. It's essential for the entire company to be aligned on how to think about and use AI when building products. This strategic and thoughtful application of AI will help us stand out in a crowded market and drive real value for our users.

Cacheflow’s AI beliefs [Read here]

The real winners will be the companies that truly get business processes and workflows and use AI to make them even better. This is what vertical AI SaaS is all about. These companies aren't bogged down by the underlying infrastructure; their real innovation is in applying AI to solve actual business problems.

It's about understanding the nitty-gritty of how businesses operate and using AI to streamline and enhance those workflows. They understand that success doesn't come from just implementing the latest technology but from applying it in ways that directly improve business operations. By combining their industry-specific knowledge with AI's capabilities, they create highly specialized, impactful solutions that address real-world challenges.

The companies that excel at this—combining deep knowledge of industry-specific processes with AI's power—will be the ones that come out on top. They will lead the market by offering innovative solutions that are not just technologically advanced but also deeply aligned with the practical needs of their customers.

Conversational and Generative AI in CPQ and Quote-to-Cash Platforms

AI is revolutionizing CPQ and quote-to-cash processes by using unstructured data to create personalized quotes and proposal summaries, drastically reducing configuration time while enhancing accuracy and compliance. This technology automates repetitive tasks, provides real-time insights, and boosts personalized customer interactions, leading to faster quote generation, improved efficiency, and higher customer satisfaction. Additionally, AI acts as a powerful coaching tool, making sales reps more effective by offering actionable recommendations and insights tailored to each prospect.


  • Faster quote generation and turnaround times
  • Increased accuracy and compliance with pricing policies
  • Automation of repetitive tasks, reducing administrative burdens
  • Real-time insights and actionable recommendations
  • Enhanced customer interactions and satisfaction
  • Intelligent, context-aware coaching for sales reps

Integrating AI-powered interfaces in SaaS applications, especially in sales tools and CPQ platforms, offers a strategic advantage by enhancing user experience, satisfaction, and productivity. These interfaces provide a natural and efficient way for users to interact with applications, while also offering greater flexibility and scalability for companies to adapt to changing market conditions.

As the SaaS industry evolves, AI-driven conversational and generative interfaces will become more common, transforming application development and usage. Companies that adopt this technology will lead the market with innovative and accessible solutions. The future of SaaS lies in leveraging AI to create intuitive, efficient, and practical applications. That is our mission here at Cacheflow, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformation.

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About the author
Brian Zotter

With over two decades of VP Engineering roles at companies like Salesforce and Medium, Brian has built pivotal platforms like Force.com.

As a successful three-time startup founder he brings unparalleled knowledge and SaaS experience.